First of all, we provide the Flash suitable for our vehicle. By connecting to the vehicle with Tech Tool, we make the vehicle information appear in the Flash editor.

We Open Flash Editor Plus and Select Techtool Mode. When the editor is opened, the last vehicle information we have connected with Techtool will appear on the main screen. To write our local file, we click Flash Editor from the main screen and select the Flash that we will program and open it in the editor.

Flash Editor Plus will display Flash information.
Flash Chassis and VIN software should be the same as the tool we will throw We can quickly match the vehicle information with Flash by saying Copy Truck Infor in the upper right corner.

After Editing Flash information, we click “Sent to Flash In PTT”. The editor will edit our Flash so that it can be printed with Techtool and send it to Techtool. Techtool will open automatically when the process is complete. We can connect to our vehicle and program our vehicle in the Techtool Program section.