We choose the Flash editor Plus Ta Techtool module. We click on Remote Programing from the top menu. We click on “Remote Flash Programing with Techtool” from the options that come up.

With Teamviewer or a similar program, we connect to the computer where we will throw Software. First of all, your vehicle must have read Data Connected with Techtool. Then we copy the “Remoteconnector2021” file on the Desktop to the computer we are connected to.

We run the program “Remoteconnector2021”. The program will start the Remote Programing System by downloading the latest version. We copy the Codes we received from Flash Editor Plus to the required places in “Remoteconnector2021” and click “Start To Connect”. “Remoteconnector2021” will receive vehicle information from Techtool after verifying the information and Send Flash Editor Plus.

Vehicle information will come to the Editor screen. After checking, click Flash Editor and select our Flash. After Flash information is displayed on the screen, we click “Send Remote” after matching the vehicle chassis and VIN connected to Flash with Remote. Editor will send your Flash to the Remote computer for adjustments by editing it according to the Remote tool. The Remote Connector will then prepare your Flash and automatically open Techtool. We are logging into Techtool as Ofline. We connect to our vehicle again and program our vehicle from the Program section.

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